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  • Writer's pictureDr. Chris Gurrie

New Year, New Fitness Communication

Happy New Year out there! My name is Chris Gurrie and I am addicted. Not to Netflix or White Claw, but to fitness, family, and friends. 2019 also saw me, like many of you, get really into my professional career. At the university where I work my team managed a stunning showing of scholarship, professionalism, and programming as professors of speech communication. Unlike many of you we love and teach public speaking, branding, and strategic communication. The entrepreneur in me thought, "How can I marry my passions of fitness and communication?" A few reps later--FITCOM was born. So, with the "new year, new me," comes FITCOM-- a concierge communication company to help fitness professionals, trainers, and small businesses with their writing, branding, editing, advertising, public relations, media, contracts, storytelling, and organizational communication. So, if you or someone you know is addicted--to fitness; or runs a fitness business but needs a little help in the writing department, send them my way. Burpees are hard--communication shouldn't be. Oh--and be good to those new people in our gyms, we were once them. They will soon be us.

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