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  • Writer's pictureDr. Chris Gurrie

What Are You Not Saying?

My friends used to make fun of me when I would take time getting ready to go out. While today I spend more time contemplating clothing for work, presentations, clients, students, and air travel (you never know who you'll meet on a plane), I know deep down I've always been a communication guy. I've known that the things we wear from ties to toe rings say something about us.

The fact is 67-93% of all communication is non-verbal. This includes clothing, artifacts, sound, and scents. Whether we like or not, people are watching us. For this reason it is important to check ourselves when we approach different situations. For many of us the primary place we should consider how we look is at work. This element of branding and professionalism is part of strategic communication. The way we look and dress adds or detracts from our credibility. Our attention to details and accessories, for better or worse, tells people something about our attention to detail with their business or venture.

Of course, with all things in moderation, these are some non-verbal elements to be aware of when working with others: Time. Always be on time. Time non-verbally shows how you respect another person's resources. Appearance. Do you look like the person your client expected when they hired you? In the fitness industry I've often heard gripes about unfit trainers--because they didn't "look the part." Graciousness: Do you look, sound, and act thankful for your clients, customers, and contacts? Even if I send one referral your way I want to know that it helped your business. I'm always so surprised and happy when the services I use offer me referral swag like money off or a free visit.

So, as the new year unfolds and we think about our personal brand, our professional brand, or even our adventure on the dating market--the loudest messages we often send are when we say nothing at all. Brush those teeth, tighten those ties, and roll that dog fur off those yoga pants; we've got work to do!

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Dr. Chris Gurrie
Dr. Chris Gurrie
08 de jan. de 2020

Happy New Year Fitfam!

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